Wednesday, May 6, 2020

on Babies

I love babies.
I absolutely adore babies.
When i was 5 years old, I used to visit all the babies in the neighborhood and play with them.
I still remember.

I watch this video to de-stress:


more content coming soon.

on Barefoot Running

Running is my thing. I believe everyone has to find their own thing - be it walking, biking, swimming, tennis etc. I am at my peak energy level when I run 5 times a week.

I tried number of different shoes. I tried Nike Airmax, Reebok.
I spent $300 for custom orthotics made by a french dude in Dearborn.
My knees started hurting few years ago.

One summer day on the high school foot ball track, i started running, my knees started talking to me.
I had this light bulb, i removed my shoes and started running bare foot.

Knee pain disappeared instantly.
Ever since I started running barefoot.
I run barefoot on asphalt and side walks.